EESL can supply your company with a complete turn-key package to identify, analyze, package, remove, and dispose of any PCB waste you may currently possess.

The outright disposal of all PCB wastes is handled through companies that EESL has contracted to complete such work. Whether it is transformer carcasses, highly contaminated oils, or PCB laden soils, no project is too big or too small for EESL to handle.

For example, electrical transformers are currently shipped via a licensed hazardous waste carrier to a permitted receiving and destruction facility in Ontario. There, the empty carcasses that have tested less than 500 ppm are dismantled and incinerated. Units testing greater than 500 ppm are first chemically treated to less than 50 ppm before being thermally destroyed. All metals are then recovered for complete recycling.

For electrical equipment with a remaining useful life but with the misfortune of low level contamination, EESL provides a complete flushing and retrofill service using either new or recycled oils. This service allows for the removal or reduction of PCBs in the oil while negating the cost of a replacement transformer.

EESL conducts its business with companies that not only eliminate your liability, but also issue a certificate of disposal to back it up!